National Best Friend Day

Hey Jewel Fans!

With a show tagline like “Friends Together, Friends Forever,” it seems almost inevitable that we would be celebrating National Best Friends Day here at the Archive.  We wanted to do something a little different from our usual routine, however, and decided a short video update might be a fun way to showcase our 20+ years of friendship that owes its longevity in part to our shared love of Jewel Riders.

In addition to the video, Ronnie and Chris recently got to experience a whole new meaning to Merlin’s phrase “From one generation to the next, the cycle continues…” when we got to sit down and chat with none other than fandom legend Stormy!  We feel so fortunate to finally meet her, and sharing Jewel Riders stories and ideas was a true treat!  Hopefully we convinced her to hang out here a bit more as well! 🙂

Ronnie, Stormy, Chris

Stormy surrounded by twin lightbulbs Ronnie (L) and Chris (R)

Random mermaid fair ahoy!

There was even a random mermaid-themed fair!

To commemorate this meeting, Ronnie bought a charming keychain that was oh-so-appropriate to Jewel Riders.  Too bad there wasn’t a Moon and Sun to go along with it!

Three guesses who his favorite character is.

Three guesses who his favorite character is.

We also found out that today, June 8th, is Stormy’s birthday!  She’s been added to The Circle of Friends now.  Have you?  Be sure to sign up for a personalized birthday card from The Jewel Riders Archive delivered to you via email or the social media platform of your choice!

Happy Birthday, Stormy!

We hope you wish her a very Happy Birthday as well!

And finally, did you know that June is Pride Month?  At a local fair (Craft Fair??) that Chris and Ronnie attended, Ronnie won a free face painting!  And what better thing to show your pride in than the Jewel Riders?

Face Paint - Sun and Heart Face Paint - Moon
And again, we want to thank everyone who has supported us and this site with their love and passion for Jewel Riders.  Remember, we have lots more great content coming out every month, so stay tuned!

Friends Together, Friends Forever!

~Chris & Ronnie

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