Christmas in July
Hey Jewel Fans! Merry Christmas (in July!) We know this is a silly “holiday” but it felt right for what we have to share with you this month.
Check out a few images below, then click through to see the whole amazing thing!
And of course, Ronnie has putting together another great animatic video that syncs the vocal track from the show up with these great drawings.
Our second gift this month is the opening of a new section of the website. Ever since we launched, the “Memorabilia” section has sat mostly dormant, but no longer! The doors are open, and we’re beginning to share, starting with the VHS tapes released in the 90s.
We hope you enjoy this new content, and our greatest gift (as always) is hearing from you, the fans! Merry Christmas!
~ Chris & Ronnie
Huh. So they only had one run of videos. I always thought that there had been 2 because the covers in the advertisements are different than the videos I have. I guess they upped the cover designs, instead of just using the same one as the sample VHS. No complaints here.