Fantasy Audiobooks and Jewel Riders with Ronnie
Did you know that Jewel Riders started as an adaptation of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern?
Maybe you knew that. But it’s a good way to introduce the topic: related fantasy fiction. Since Enchanted Camelot has origins with the fantasy world created by Anne McCaffrey, it stands to reason that her novels are ones that we would suggest to any book lover who’s part of the Jewel Riders fandom.
But there are so many other authors that we have discovered through the years who created equally engrossing fantasy worlds! Patricia C Wrede, Tamora Pierce, Jonathan Stroud, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and Mercedes Lackey to name a few.
A while back on social media we had shared about the Anne McCaffrey Channel with recently uploaded Dragonriders of Pern audiobooks; which we have shared on our YouTube channel as a Pern audiobook playlist, in chronological order.
Even if Jewel Riders did not end up being part of the Dragonriders universe, there have been a small handful of adapted media based upon some of our favorite books. In recent news, Radar Pictures is adapting Mercedes Lackey’s bestselling Valdemar universe.
“The first season of the TV series is intended to cover the trilogy titled The Last Herald-Mage. Over three books titled Magic’s Pawn, Magic’s Promise, and Magic’s Price, the series tells the story of Vanyel Ashkevron, a talented sorcerer “Chosen” by an equine Companion whose guidance leads him to become a Herald of the Valdemaran royalty. Vanyel is known for being one of the few confirmed gay protagonist characters in fantasy literature of the 1990s, establishing a pattern of LGBT+ representation which continues throughout the Valdemar series.”
(quoted from
Have you read any of the previously mentioned authors’ series before? From the Avalon-esque animal bonds, to quest stories, heroine-led fantasies, magical horses, and even queer protagonists, we feel these authors have something in common. Perhaps you don’t have the time or resources to read said books. For anyone working from home, or driving on long commutes, audiobooks are a godsend! And lucky for you, we just happen to have collated a fabulous collection of these titles available as audiobooks for streaming on YouTube.
Here are a few playlists of our hand-selected top picks for fantasy novels, based on our love for Jewel Riders.
Avalon Series by Marion Zimmer Bradley.
The Immortals Series by Tamora Pierce
The Circle of Magic Series by Tamora Pierce
Valdemar Universe by Mercedes Lackey
The Dragon Jousters Series by Mercedes Lackey
These authors have helped to create a special bond between Chris and Ronnie over the years. Before fanfiction became prevalent, book series like the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C Wrede was our equivalent. Want to see filmed discussions, podcast episodes, and audio interviews of some of our favorite fantasy/sci-fi book authors who were instrumental in creating the mythical, magical worlds we adore? Check out this collection of Author Interviews:
Do you have a fantasy book series that you would like shared with the fandom, and greater YouTube audience? We’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment with the author’s name and the series. And be sure to subscribe to both featured new YouTube Channels.
Anne McCaffrey Audibook Channel:
We hope that you will find these fantasy audiobooks enjoyable, and introduce you to a New World and a new author.
Friends Together, Friends Forever!
I still read everything Mercedes Lackey writes. She’s more hit-or-miss across her various series these days, but the Valdemars are still pretty reliably solid! (and if I were putting out 4 books a year I’d be hit-or-miss too.) I don’t think she’ll ever again hit the pinnacle that was The Obsidian Trilogy but I still get excited when a new one comes in to the library.