May Update

Hi Jewel Fans! We hope that the warmer weather is treating you all well, and that those in school are almost ready to enjoy summer break! (After acing all your finals, of course!) 🙂


In the world of social media and the internet, May 1st once again signifies the return of the perennial celebration of our aquatic friends: Mer-May! We’ve done a few pictures in the past for Jewel Riders of Tamara and Gilly from the episode “Jewel of the Sea.” Are you participating this year? What finned friends are you creating?


Comic Update

In case you were wondering if you perhaps missed last month’s comic update, you did not. Our artist A-chan got flattened by her job last month, but has been working hard on the next page. Sorry for the delay, but stay tuned in June for our next comic update!
Consider this a little teaser. ;)

Consider this a little teaser. 😉

She-Ra S2 Thoughts

Have you been keeping up with Netflix’s wonderful “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power?” It’s the closest thing you’ll find to PGJR on the airwaves right now, and we’ve been loving it! The second season follow the adventures of Adora/She-Ra, Glimmer, Bow, and all their princess friends as they fight to free Etheria from the Evil Horde. So often when I watch the show I mentally salivate, dreaming of what an updated Jewel Riders could be. Obviously I love the original show, but the new She-Ra reminds me that we now often take a more holistic approach to cartoons these days, with complex back stories and consequences that carry through multi-episode plotlines. I’d love to see that for Jewel Riders some day. Hopefully the Avalon: Web of Magic series will be able to scratch some of that itch.

Unicorns of Balinor

This month, in honor of our “Year of the Unicorn” theme, I’m reading through Mary Stanton’s chapter book series, “Unicorns of Balinor.” For those who don’t know, Mary Stanton was one of the screenwriters for Jewel Riders. She is specifically noted as the writer for the S1 episode “Song of the Rainbow.” She went on to be a very successful author of both children and adult books. Check out our review of the first four Unicorns of Balinor books here!
For some extra-light unicorn reading, Ronnie checked out the children’s section at B&N and found a super cute unicorn book!

Fan Fiction Update

This month, we’re featuring TONS of new fan fiction in the Fan Works section. We’ve got two new stories from the writer Gryphon Rider: True Beginnings Ch. 1 and 2, and Flight of the Wind Stone Ch. 1-5. We’re also featuring two of Morning Glory’s older fics done in a script style: Sierra Leone, and Fairy Magic. Check them out!

Sac Toy Con



In what is fast becoming a tradition, Ronnie and I had the chance to once again meet up with fandom queen Stormy (also known as Cupcakedoll these days) and her friends Ami and Nuriko from the YouTube channel Too Old for Toys. Sacramento, CA, is a near middle ground for us, and the Sac Toy Con was again the place to be! We had a great time looking for old toys (sadly, no Jewel Riders again!) and nerding out over tons of different fandoms. We even got to meet @richfitvo, a voice actor who recognized Ronnie from the sound of his voice! (It really is distinctive haha)

Do you live in the area? Interested in toys both old and new? Join us next year and look at the cute things you might find!

We’re hoping to all meet up again on June 1st in San Jose, CA at the San Jose Super Toy Show. Perhaps we’ll see you there?

Friends Together, Friends Forever!

Chris & Ronnie

3 Responses to “May Update

  • Brad uko
    6 years ago

    Can you draw post about Power Rangers Zeo With Five Baby Animals In Avalon jewel riders

    • jewelridersarchive
      6 years ago

      Sounds like a fun crossover, Brad! I’d much rather see your take on the idea though. 🙂


      • Braduko
        6 years ago

        Can you post about Power Rangers Zeo With Five Baby Animals In Avalon jewel riders

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